Hey ladies, how are you today? Well, before we start with this article, I would like to ask you a simple question – did you know that in the last 25 years, the Japanese women hold the world record as the longest living women on Earth? Well yes, of course – and you’ll be amazed when we tell you that they live 84 and a half years on average and on top of that it seems as if they never gain weight.
And now, you probably ask yourself – what is their secret? Just take a look at the article below and find out more about this! The famous Japanese author and writer, Naomi Moriyama, in her latest book – “Japanese women don’t get old or fat” leads her readers into the world of her mother’s kitchen in Japan and reveals the answers for long and healthy life. The famous writer also says that the most important foods that help in weight loss are just part of everyday Japanese cuisine and they are consumed every day.
Well, she claims that one of the top foods for healthy and long life, and of course – losing weight are: fish, seaweed, fruits, soy, rice, vegetables and green tea. She says that you should all know that all these ingredients have anti-aging properties and contribute a great deal to losing weight in healthy way and provide control for healthy weight management. You should also know that the Japanese women enjoy cooked meals every day! Almost all traditional meal consists of grilled fish, bowl of rice, cooked vegetables, soup, green tea and fruits. And you should also know that the Japanese consume about 10 per cent of all fish in the world, although they make up 2 per cent of the world population.Yes, and you should also know that even at young age, all parents in Japan teach their kids to eat slowly and to appreciate every bite. The rules that they must adhere to imply that you never should completely fill the bowl or serve huge portions and that each food must be served separately. She also says that Japanese cuisine is reasonably easy, the food is prepared slowly and the food is usually cooked, briefly grilled, or cooked by steaming. Instead of bread, the Japanese eat rice during every meal and that is actually one of the main differences between how people eat in the East and the West.
I would like to ask you another quick question – did you know that many experts think that the Japanese breakfast is considered to be one the most important meals and it may consist of a number of foods and drinks, but mainly includes green tea, steamed rice, soup, tofu, young garlic, seaweed, omelet or a piece of fish? The Japanese women usually avoid desserts and sugary stuff, but when they are on the menu, they are mainly served in small portions. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying that Japanese women don’t like chocolate, cookies, ice cream and cakes, but they simple realize what negative consequences these dishes have on body and what long-term side effects then can have on your health. Naomi Moriyama also says that exercise is part of the daily routine in Japan and in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle they built an entire culture of biking, walking and hiking. We really hope you enjoyed this article and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You and take care!
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